Monday, January 7, 2008

Feel the Funk

Ok, the new year is supposed to me a motivating time for people to start over and start reaching for their goals, right? Why is it then that I still feel like I'm on Christmas vacation? I could NOT bring myself to get to the gym this morning. I slacked off, ON THE FIRST DAY back in the saddle. That is just sad!

Granted, my knee is tweaked from my 6 mile run yesterday, but there are other things I could have done at the gym. Tomorrow I'm doing one of my short runs in preparation for the half marathon this Sunday. I've been training for this thing for months, but it all went to waste when I didn't run over the Christmas holidays. Ok, I ran once, but that didn't seem to keep my endurance and running ability up to par at all. Before I left for Mexico I ran 10 miles fairly easily, after coming back from Mexico I struggled to get through 6 miles. This means I ate too much and didn't train enough, I'm sure getting uber sick didn't help either.

Whatever, I'm going to do my 2 short runs this week and then just try my damnest at the race on Sunday. I have a good friend coming in town from WAY back in the day and I'm excited to see him. I haven't seen him for years and he's coincidentally coming to town to run the same half marathon I am. I'm looking forward to running the race with him and catching up on things. As long as I finish the race, I've accomplished my goal.

All that being said, I really do need to get serious about this weight loss regimen. I'm so tired of always being on a diet and never losing any damn weight. This is my year to succeed. I think I finally have all the knowledge I need and all the tools within my reach to accomplish this goal. I just have to psyche myself up and get into the right mindset. I think it's hard for me right now because I just got back from a lengthy vacation where I was way out of my relm and still haven't really gotten everything back in order. When my house is a mess, my life is a mess. I feel hectic and disorganized about everything when my house is a mess. I haven't had a chance to clean it and get everything in order because my Mother-in-Law has been in town. I don't mind having her here, but I just cannot get things accomplished when people are staying with me. It's like I feel like I have to be 'on' all the time, like I can't just bum around and take care of my own business. I have to be conscious of this person and their needs, so I can be a gracious host. I feel rude going about my own activities. I don't know, that might sound like complete shite, but that's how my brain works. I think once my Mother-in-Law leaves and I get my house back in order, I'll be ready to hit this thing full force.

I think giving it one more week will give the New Years Resolution newbies at the gym time to get tired of their new exercise regimen and stop hogging all the cardio machines. LoL, just think, I used to be one of those annoying newbie January members that hog up all the cardio machines - now I'm a regular. =)

1 comment:

Scrumpy said...

Hi Stephanie. I came across your blog on Blogher and enjoyed reading your post. I totally get the "on" thing with guests and needing to have a clean environment to have a clean mind.

Best of luck on the race. Try to just enjoy yourself and let the idea of time be only in the back of your mind. A half marathon is a huge accomplishment!