Monday, January 21, 2008

Thoughts to Ponder

Maybe I shouldn't cook so much and experiment with recipes. Tonight I made Angel Hair Pasta Chicken from a recipe I found on and it was really good. Herein lies the problem, it tasted really good so I wanted to eat a lot of it. The portion size was pretty generous and I was fairly full, but just the fact that it tasted good... I guess I kept wanting to taste it (meaning I wanted to shovel more of it into my mouth). I seriously had an internal battle with myself about whether or not I was going to eat another serving. I did not have any extra calories to account for it and I didn't exercise today, so it was totally out of the question - but I found myself reasoning that if I ate another serving I could work it off tomorrow. That's just crazy talk because I wasn't even hungry! What on God's green earth was making me want to eat that second serving so badly? I'm not sure, but I tried to appease my stomach by eating a giant iced sugar cookie... which was probably the same amount of calories and a lot less healthy than a second serving of dinner.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I love your blog. I was reading your comment about your husband and I can totally relate. My husband is gone but my friends do the same thing. I have realized there is no way to change their behaviors, I have a hard enough time changing my own. This is what I do....before I am with them, I have an apple and some chicken broth with lemon. If I am cooking, I cook two versions of dinners (yes, this is a pain, but it makes me feel virtuous and adds to my commitment about weight loss). Since I know full well where their eating plan is going to take them, I just feel sorry for them (without saying so) and its the world's best aversion therapy. You can do this! I know it!

When experimenting with your recipes, play with how you can take out your portion pre-fat, pre-salt-or make yourself a whole separate dinner. I cook a lot of healthy foods on Sundays for myself and I always have something healthy cooked in the fridge.

You are the CEO of your own life. Make it fun!
