Monday, April 28, 2008

SFL Weigh-In 5

Nothing good to report today. I kinda went off the deep end this week with the snacking and totally ended up GAINING weight today. I guess it didn't help that I had also done a 1 hour step class, sat in the sauna for 15 minutes, had 2 cookies, 3 oz of lunch meat and 40 oz of water before I went to weigh-in. =\ Oh well, you live and you learn and I’m not trippin' over it. Today is a new day and I've got my eye back on the prize! The next few days are going to suck though as I re-break my addictions to refined carbs/junk food. *le sigh* Why does this weight loss stuff have to be so hard??

Only about 7 weeks until I go home for my sister's wedding. Must lose at least 15 more lbs before then. MUST!

Ta Ta!

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